I work in logic and the philosophy of mathematics. I am professor of philosophy at the University of Lorraine and director of the Archives Poincaré (CNRS UMR 7117), a research laboratory in the history and philosophy of science.

My CV may be found here.

Voici mon CV français.

I am the co-PI, with Heather Burnett, of the ANR project MATHY, on mathematical hygiene, funded from 2024 to 2028.

Here are some books I've written.

Here are some books I've edited.

Here are some articles I've written.

Here are some book reviews I've written.

  • Review of Reactionary Mathematics. A Genealogy of Purity by Massimo Mazzotti, University of Chicago Press (2023). Physis LIX:2 (2024), 614-618.
  • Review of Model theory and philosophy by Tim Button and Sean Walsh, Oxford University Press (2018). Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 26:3-4 (2020), 287-292.
  • “The changing practices of proof in mathematics”. Review of Computation, proof, machine by Gilles Dowek, Metascience, 26:1 (2017), 131-135.
  • Review of Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond, edited by B. Jack Copeland, Carl J. Posy, and Oron Shagrir. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 3:20 (2015).
  • Review of Plato's Ghost by Jeremy Gray. Philosophia Mathematica 20:2 (2012), 252–255.
  • Review of Visual Thinking in Mathematics by Marcus Giaquinto. Analysis 69 (2009), pp. 401–403.
  • Review of The Architecture of Modern Mathematics, edited by José Ferreirós and Jeremy Gray. Mathematical Intelligencer 30:4 (2008), 57–61.
  • Review of Toward a philosophy of real mathematics by David Corfield. Mathematical Intelligencer 29:2 (2007), 80–83.
  • Review of In the Light of Logic by Solomon Feferman. Mathematical Intelligencer, 27:4 (2005), 38–40.

Andrew Arana

andrew.arana at univ-lorraine.fr

Department of Philosophy
Université de Lorraine
Archives Poincaré (CNRS UMR 7117)

Plain Academic